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陈春如1, 谢佩吾2, 邹家通2, 连辉明2, 汪迎利2, 邱文霞1, 何波祥2, 蔡燕灵2, 梁东成2, 陈一群2, 陈杰连2
1.广东尚善环境建设有限公司 广东韶关;2.广东省森林培育与保护利用重点实验室/美高梅
研究利用万深 LA-S 系列植物图像分析仪和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分别对山茶属金花茶组下 12 个种进行叶片形态数量特征和表皮特征进行比较研究。植物图像分析结果表明,12 种金花茶属植物在 叶周长、叶面积、叶柄长、叶长、叶宽、叶厚、叶长宽比,以及叶鲜重和干重 9 个性状上差异均极显著, 9 个性状在相同种不同个体之间差异显著,说明金花茶组植物种间和种内的叶片形态上具有丰富的性状变 异,无法作为组下分类的依据,但为育种提供了良好的遗传基础。叶表皮形态观测结果表明, 12 个种的 叶片上表皮形态结构基本一致,无气孔分布,细胞均为不规则形,细胞间界限不清晰;12 个种的下表皮 均有气孔分布,并具腺点,但不同种的气孔形状和细胞垂周壁式样在一些种间存在着明显的差异,腺点 形态也各不相同,这些性状在种内较为稳定,可为金花茶组的分类提供参考依据。
关键词:   山茶属;金花茶组;叶片形态;扫描电镜
Comparative Leaf Morphology Study of 12 Species of Sect . Chrysantha (Theaceae, Camellia)
CHEN Chunru1, XIE Peiwu2, Zoujiatong2, LIAN Huiming2, WANG Yingli2, Qiuwenxia1, HE Boxiang2, CAI Yanling2, Liang dongcheng2, CHEN Yiqun2, Chen jielian2
1.Guangdong Shangshan environmental construction Co,Ltd,Shaoguan;2.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture,Protection and Utilization/Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou
In this study, the morphological and epidermal features of 12 species of Scet. Chrysantha were compared using the LA-S series of plant image analyzers and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The plant image analysis results showed that the difference of 9 characters, i.e., leaf circumference, leaf area, petiole length, leaf length, leaf width, length/width ratio, leaf thickness, leaf fresh weight and dry weight were extremely significant between 12 species and significant between different individuals of the same species, which suggested the 9 characters could not be used in the intrasection classification of Scet. Chrysantha but provided diverse 美高梅 resources of breeding. The SEM observation results indicated the upper epidermis characters of the 12 species were similar, which were the absent of stomata, irregular epidermis cells shape and ambiguous boundaries between the cells; the lower epidermis of all the 12 species were presented with stomata and gland, however, the stomata and gland shapes, as well as the anticlinal wall patterns were different among species, which provided evidences for the taxonomy of Scet. Chrysantha.
Key words:   Camellia; Scet. Chrysantha; leaf character; scanning electron micro scopy(SEM)