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基于资料和样线调查,统计出广东中山市长江库区水源林市级自然保护区有野生维管植物 179 科 611 属 1 080 种 ( 含变种 ),其中种子植物 150 科 560 属 988 种。种子植物区系表征科为五列木科、粘 木科、八角枫科、虎皮楠科、肉实科、紫金牛科、省沽油科、杜英科、芸香科、冬青科、清风藤科、樟 科、山矾科、杉科、八角科和金缕梅科,其中的樟科、紫金牛科、芸香科最具特色;种子植物科、属的 地理成分中均以泛热带分布及其变型占优势(分别占 57.28% 和 32.31%),同时混合有不少其他成分,区 系成分复杂,体现出其植物区系具有一定的古老自然性;与纬度相近的深圳市田头山自然保护区种子植 物区系比较,二者的科、属相似性系数分别为 88.89% 和 73.65%,显示在属级分类水平上存在较大差异。
关键词:   地理成分;分布区类型;表征科;长江库区水源林市级自然保护区;中山市
分类号 Q948.15
Study on the Spermatophyte Flora of the Changjiang Reservoir Watersource Forest Municipal Natural Reserve in Zhongshan City
DAI Wentan,CHEN Weilin,MIAO Shenyu,QIN Xi,JIANG Jiancai,WANG Jialin,Zhangdi and LIN Shuhang
School of Life Sciences,Guangzhou University,School of Life Sciences,Guangzhou University,School of Life Sciences,Guangzhou University,School of Life Sciences,Guangzhou University,Forest Resources Protection Center of Zhongshan,Forest Resources Protection Center of Zhongshan,Guangzhou Zhong-sen Forest Co. Ltd.,Guangzhou Zhong-sen Forest Co. Ltd.
The recent investigation on flora of seed plants showed that it had a total species (including varieties) of 1 080 belonging to 179 families and 560 generas in Changjiang Reservoir Water-source Forest Natural Reserve of Zhongshan city. Among them, there were 988 species of seed plants belonging to 150 families and 560 geneus. The characteristic families of flora were Pentaphylacaceae, Ixonanthaceae, Alangiaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, Sarcospermaceae, Myrsinaceae, Staphyleaceae, Elaeocarpaceae, Rutaceae, Aquifoliaceae, Sabiaceae, Lauraceae, Symplocaceae, Taxodiaceae, Illiciumaceae, Hamamelidaceae, among which the most characteristic families were Lauraceae, Myrsinaceae, and Rutaceae. Phytogeographically, the pan-tropical families and generas were common (about 57.28% and 32.31%, respectively), meanwhile the other elements also appear in this area. The composition, which is complex, showed the nature of old origin in the flora of this region. Compared with spermatophyte flora at the similar latitude area of Tiantoushan Nature Reserve, Shenzhen city, the similarity coefficients of family and genus were 88.89% and 73.65%, respectively, which showed that there were little significant differences between them especially at the genus level.
Key words:   geological element; aerial type; floristic family; Changjiang Reservoir Water-source Forest Municipal Natural Reserve; Zhongshan city