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采用实地调查的方法对麓湖公园的水生植物资源进行系统分析,结果表明,麓湖公园目前应 用的水生植物共 28 种,隶属于 18 科,其中挺水植物 14 种、浮叶植物 3 种、沉水植物 3 种、耐水湿生 木本植物 8 种;根据观赏部位划分,观花类水生植物有 11 种,花色主要集中在白色、粉色、紫红色、黄 色,多数为顶端花序,花形各异,全年有花可赏;观叶类水生植物有 10 种,叶色不同,叶形各异;观姿 类水生植物有 4 种;麓湖公园的驳岸方式有硬质直立式驳岸和自然斜坡驳岸两种,硬质直立式驳岸以单 一水生植物列植为主,通过水生植物的种类和株高变化丰富景观效果,自然斜坡驳岸以风景林、多种植 物组合配置形式为主,通过耐水湿生木本植物和地被植物种类的变化增加景观的多样性。麓湖公园的水 生植物景观展现出季相变化、色彩搭配和层次效果,若要维持优美的水生植物景观效果,后期的养护管 理非常重要,建议在少游客的游览区域营造以耐水湿生木本植物为主的持久、低养护的水体景观。
关键词:   水生植物;硬质直立驳岸;自然斜坡驳岸;植物配置
分类号 S682.32
Application and Analysis the Resources of Aquatic Plant in Lu Hu Park of Guangzhou City
He Zhong Jian
Guangzhou Institute of Forestry and Landscape Architecture
The aquatic plant species in Lu Hu Park were investigated and analyzed. The results showed that a total of 28 species of aquatic plants had been generally used, which belonged to 18 families including 14 species of water plants, 3 species of floating-leaf plants, 3 species of submerged aquatic plants and 8 species of wet trees. According to ornamental parts of the aquatic plant, they belonged to11 species of flower ornamentals,10 species of foliage plants, and 4 species of morphology plants. Flower color was concentrated in white, pink, purple and yellow, and most of them were the top inflorescence. Foliage plants had different color and leaf shape. Lu Hu Park had two types of lake embankment which were the rigid upright embankment and natural slope embankment. Meanwhile, the rigid upright embankment attached importance to application of single aquatic plant and increased landscape diversity by way of the species changes and the altitude variations. The natural slope embankment attached importance to application of amenity forests and multiple plant combinations, and increased landscape diversity by way of the species changes of wet trees and cover plants. Lu Hu Park showed characteristics of seasonal change, color matching and landscape level, and should strengthen the management and maintenance of aquatic plant. It was suggested to creating a persistent and low maintenance water landscape based on wet trees in a rare tourist area.
Key words:   aquatic plant; vertical and hard revetment; naturelly gentle slope revetment; arrangement of plants