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该研究通过 2 a 栽培观测,对比不同的栽培模式和田间管理措施,研究合理的栽植密度及肥料 配置,探索铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale)在粤北高海拔山区的高效栽培模式。结果表明,采用缓释 肥与叶面肥相结合的施肥模式能有效提高大棚人工栽培铁皮石斛产量;棚栽第一年可以采用丛距 9 cm×9 cm 的密植方式以提高苗床利用率,第二年可以进行间苗,降低铁皮石斛苗栽植密度,以获得足够的阳 光,提高成品枝条质量和产量;棚栽第二年采用花盆栽培模式可以提高产量,但也会增加一些材料和人 工成本,需要根据种植地实际情况进行收益成本核算决定是否选用该模式。
关键词:   铁皮石斛;高效栽培;粤北
Exploration on the Mode of High-efficiency Cultivation of Dendrobium officinale in High Mountain in Northern Guangdong
ZHANG Huilan,PENG Huagui,LIANG Dongcheng,HUANG Chunhua,CHEN Liying and KONG Guorong
Guangdong Tianjingshan Farm,Guangdong Tianjingshan Farm,Guangdong Tianjingshan Farm,Guangdong Tianjingshan Farm,Guangdong Tianjingshan Farm,Guangdong Tianjingshan Farm
After two years cultivation observation, by contrasting different cultivation patterns and field management measures, this research studied the reasonable planting density and fertilizer allocation, and explored the high efficient cultivation model of Dendrobium officinale in the mountainous areas of northern Guangdong. The results showed that the combination of slow-released fertilizer and foliar fertilizer could effectively improve the yield of D. officinale in the greenhouse. Close planting could improve the seedbed utilization in the first year, and the density of seedlings should be reduced to obtain enough sunshine and improve the quality and yield of finished branches. The use of flower pot cultivation in the second year could greatly increase the production, but it will also increase some material and labor costs. The actual conditions of cultivation should be considered to determine whether to choose the model.
Key words:   Dendrobium officinale;high-efficiency cultivation;northern Guangdong