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采用树干解析的方法对红毛山楠(Phoebe hungmaoensis)人工林进行初步研究,结果表明:9 a生红毛山楠胸径、树高和材积生长较快,树干通直,但尚未达到成熟龄;在生长规律方面,红毛山楠胸径连年生长量呈现前高后低的逐年递减趋势,树高连年生长量呈波浪式下降的趋势;材积连年生长量和年均生长量均呈现逐年增加的趋势;树高、胸径及材积连年生长率及胸高形数均随着树龄增加而递减,呈现先急速后缓慢的下降趋势。红毛山楠幼树能耐一定的荫蔽,能在林冠下较快速的生长。
关键词:   红毛山楠;树干解析;生长规律
分类号 S796
Preliminary Study on Early Growth Rhythm of Phoebe hungmaoensis Plantation Base on Stem Analysis
MO Luojian,lujidong,HU Qiuyan,YE Yongchang,LIU Songsong and ZHANG Yanlin
(Dongguan Institute of Forestry Science,(Dongguan Institute of Forestry Science,(Dongguan Institute of Forestry Science,(Dongguan Institute of Forestry Science,(Dongguan Institute of Forestry Science,(Dongguan Institute of Forestry Science
The growth of Phoebe hungmaoensis plantation was analyzed by the stem analysis. The results showed that the 9-year-old tree grew fast and straight, but it was immature. From the perspective of growth rhythm, the current annual increment of P. hungmaoensis DBH showed a decreasing trend decreasing year by year, and the current annual increment of tree height showed a wave-like decreasing trend. The current annual increment and the average annual growth rate of volume presented the increasing trend year by year. The current annual increment of height, DBH and volume and diameter-height form factor was decreased with the increase of the tree age, which showed the descending trend of the first rapid and then slow. The young trees of P. hungmaoensis had a certain shade resistance and could grow faster under the canopy.
Key words:   Phoebe hungmaoensis;stem analysis;growth rhythm