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通过观察记录不同驯化苗龄铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale)在不同山势环境、不同树皮性状附主的附树栽培成活率和生长差异,研究铁皮石斛在粤北高海拔山区天然次生林中的活树附生栽培技术。结果表明,在设施大棚内驯化约1 a 的苗养分积累充分,抗逆性、生长势、适应野外环境能力较强,用作活树附生仿野生栽培种苗最适时;在试验地环境下,山脊线空气流通,水分适中,散射光充足,苗的长势最好;光滑树皮树干附生的铁皮石斛苗比粗糙树皮树干生长更好,枝叶更茂盛,根系更发达。附生树种表皮性状对铁皮石斛可能主要起到支撑和持水作用,而自然环境的空气对流、光照、湿度与降水量是影响铁皮石斛野外生长的主要因素。
关键词:   铁皮石斛;活树附生;天然次生林;粤北
基金项目:广东省林业发展及保护专项资金(林业科技创新项目)“粤北高海拔铁皮石斛附树栽培技术研究”(2017KJCX040);广 东省2015 年中央林木良种培育补贴资金项目(粤林函〔2015〕606 号);广东省2013 年省级农林渔业专项资金项目——林下经济示范基地 建设项目(粤林财〔2014〕2 号)。
Study on the Epiphytic Cultivation of Dendrobium officinale on Living Tree in the Natural Secondary Forest at High Altitude Mountain Area in Northern Guangdong
ZHANG Huilan,LIANG Dongcheng,YANG Changteng,PENG Huagui,HUANG Chunhua,CHEN Liying and YANG Jinmei
Guangdong Tianjingshan Farm,Guangdong Tianjingshan Farm,Administration of National Nature Reserve,Guangdong Tianjingshan Farm,Guangdong Tianjingshan Farm,Guangdong Tianjingshan Farm,Guangdong Tianjingshan Farm
The epiphytic cultivation experiment was carried out with Dendrobium officinale seedlings at different acclimation age in different locations of the natural secondary forest at high altitude mountain area in northern Guangdong, and the survival rate and growth performance of D. officinale were observed. The results showed that 1-year-old domesticated seedlings were the best choice for the wild epiphytic cultivation, because of its self-nutrient accumulation, resistance, growth potential, and strong ability to adapt to the field environment.The cultivated seedlings on the ridge grew best due to the better air circulation, moderate humidity, and sufficient scattered light. The cultivated seedlings on the trunks with smooth bark grew better than those cultivated on rough barks. The epidermal characters of epiphytic species had an effect on water-holding of D. officinale, while the natural environment of air circulation, illumination, humidity and rainfall were the main factors affecting field growth of D. officinale.
Key words:   Dendrobium officinale;epiphytic cultivation on living trees;natural secondary forest; northern Guangdong