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在贵州省佛顶山国家级自然保护区发现一白线树蛙(Rhacophorus leucofasciatus)。该标本与梵净山国家级自然保护区发现的白线树蛙标本具有稳定的一致性特征,与广西金秀白线树蛙(Rhacophorus leucofasciatus Liu et Hu)模式标本特征相似,同时存在明显差别。表现为:佛顶山标本指间蹼不发达,外侧 2 指具半蹼,第三指外侧及第四指内侧蹼未达吸盘基部,第二、三指指间蹼为 1/3 蹼,内侧 2 指即第一、二指指间有蹼迹;上臂背面米黄色;白线树蛙模式标本指间蹼发达,外侧 3 指间具全蹼,第二指外侧及第四指内侧蹼达吸盘基部,内侧 2 指指间蹼少;上臂背面为白色。佛顶山与梵净山同属于黔东北武陵山区,该物种为佛顶山国家级自然保护区两栖动物新纪录,地区特异性显著。
关键词:   武陵山区;白线树蛙;特异性;佛顶山;两栖动物新纪录
分类号 Q959
Specificity of Rhacophorus leucofasciatus in Wuling Mountain Area of Northeast Guizhou Province and New Record of Fodingshan National Nature Reserve
ZHANG Lei,ZHOU Sheng-Lun,ZHANG Yan-Fen,LUO Lu-Ling,Yang Gui-Ying and RAN Hui
Animal Laboratory of Bioscience Department,Tongren University,Tongren,China,Administration of Fodingshan National Nature Reserve,Tongren,China,Undergraduate Students of Grade of Bioscience Department,Tongren University,Tongren,China,Undergraduate Students of Grade of Bioscience Department,Tongren University,Tongren,China,Undergraduate Students of Grade of Bioscience Department,Tongren University,Tongren,China,Animal Laboratory of Bioscience Department,Tongren University,Tongren,China
One specimen of Rhacophorus leucofasciatus was found and collected in the Fodingshan National Nature Reserve, Guizhou province. The characteristics of this specimen is consistent with that of R. leucofasciatus found in the Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve. It has almost same morphological characteristics of the model specimens of R. leucofasciatus Liu et Hu except the web between fingers and the colour of arm. The specimens found in the Fodingshan and Fanjingshan display mainly 1/2 web between lateral two fingers and the beige back of the upper arm, whereas model specimens of R. leucofasciatus Liu et Hu possess the characteristics of full web among lateral 3 fingers and white back of the upper arm. The Fodingshan moutain and Fanjingshan moutain are parts of the Northeast Guizhou Wuling mountain range. The species is a new record of amphibian in Fodingshan National Nature Reserve and has unique regional specificity.
Key words:   Wuling mountain range; rhacophorus leucofasciatus; regional specificity;fodingshan national nature reserve;a new amphibian record ;