当前位置: 首页 > 过刊浏览 > 2017年第3期 >


关键词:   生态旅游;目的地系统;融资机制;人才培养
基金项目:广州市 2014 年林业发展专项财政项目“广州市林下经济发展规划编制
Guangzhou Forest Ecological Tourist Destination System Development Planning Study
LI HAO,TANG Chang-liang,QIAN Lei,CHENG Yong,ZHANG Ji-fang and ZHANG jun-hua
Guangzhou institute of forestry and landscape architecture,Guangzhou institute of forestry and landscape architecture,Guangzhou institute of forestry and landscape architecture,Guangzhou institute of forestry and landscape architecture,Guangzhou institute of forestry and landscape architecture,Administration of Forestry and Gardening of Guangzhou Muncipalty
Based on the present situation of Guangzhou forest park, the paper analyzed the main problems in the construction of forest ecotourism in Guangzhou city, and pointed out that in the supply side structure reform of promoting the forest tourism industry in Guangzhou 美高梅 into the forestry health industry, the construction of forest ecotourism destination system must meet the needs of the development. The paper also emphasized the integration of resources in planning and construction of urban and rural development. This paper proposed to adopt unified planning, formulate standards, revise the regulations, innovate the financing mechanism and strengthen the talent cultivation to enhance the overall service function of Guangzhou forest tourism destination system.
Key words:   ecotourism; the destination system; financing mechanism; talent cultivation