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美高梅,中国林业科学研究院热带林业研究所,广东省阳山县林业局 广东 阳山县;广东省阳山县林业局 广东 阳山县,中国林业科学研究院热带林业研究所,美高梅
文章通过对竹柏(Nageia nagi)的适宜地理分布、生物生态学特性、形态特征、生长特性及 植物化学物质等叙述和分析,总结出竹柏目前的多用途及其应用领域,并相应提出竹柏采种育苗、种植 管理和病虫害防治等系统技术。
关键词:   竹柏;多用途树种;生物学特性;栽培
Characters and Plantation Techniques of Nageia nagi with Multiple Utilization Purposes
Zhang Ruijuan,Luo Tushou,Huang Dezhi,Xu Han and Li Xiaochuan
Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Forestry Bureau of Yangshan County in Guangdong Province,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry
Nageia nagi is an endangered tree specie used for the landscape design. It is distributed in the lowland evergreen broadleaves forests in the subtropical zones of China. The features of the specie include evergreen leaves, elegant tree architecture, high resistance to air pollution, high oil contents in the seeds, special containing chemicals and good quality timber. N. nagi had been widely used in afforestation for the recovery of the secondary forests or for the production of oil, medicine and furniture purposes. This paper described the suitable geographical distribution areas, physiological and ecological characters, morphological and growth characters and containing chemicals of this species. It also proposed some systematic techniques for the seeds collection, seedlings breeding, plantation management and pestsdefense, in order to provide more scientific proofs for the beautiful countryside and ecological city construction.
Key words:   Nageia nagi; multipurpose tree species; biological characters; plantation