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通过 4 种药剂浸种对闽楠(Phoebe bournei)种子进行发芽对比试验,结果表明:4 种药剂浸种可以促使闽楠种子提前萌发,提高种子发芽势和发芽率;其中,萘乙酸(NAA)浸处理的种子发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数均高于其它处理,分别为 93.33%、31.67%、2.59,其次为 KH2PO4(83.33%、30.00%、2.39);萘乙酸和 KH2PO4 处理的胚根(均为 4.3 cm)和胚芽(均为 1.5 cm)长度最长,显著高于对照(胚根 3.3 cm,胚芽 1.1 cm)(P<0.05)。研究表明萘乙酸和 KH2PO4 不仅能促进闽楠种子萌发,对闽楠芽苗的生长也有显著促进作用。
关键词:   闽楠;萘乙酸;K2SO4;KH2PO4;活力素;种子萌发;幼苗生长
Effects of Different Chemical Pretreatments on Seed Germination of Phoebe bournei
LI Juan,TAN Wen-jing,LIU Yi-wei,CHEN Lin,LIN Jan-yong and LIANG Rui-long
Guangxi Forestry Research Institute,Nanning Guangxi,;Guangxi Rongshui County State Beijianghe Forest Farm,Liuzhou Guangxi,;Guangxi County State Daguishan Forest Farm,Hezhou Guangxi,Guangxi Rongshui County State Beijianghe Forest Farm,Guangxi County State Daguishan Forest Farm,Guangxi County State Daguishan Forest Farm,Guangxi Forestry Research Institute,Nanning Guangxi,Guangxi Forestry Research Institute,Nanning Guangxi
The comparative experiment on seed germination of Phoebe bournei was tested by four types of medicament immersions. The results showed that soaking by all 4 medicaments could promote the earlier germination of P. bournei seeds and improve the germination potential and germination rate. Among them, NAA soaking treatment on the seed germination rate, germination potential and germination index were higher than other treatments, which were 93.33%, 31.67%, and 2.59 respectively, followed by KH2PO4, which were 83.33%,30.00%, and 2.39 respectively. The longest radicle(4.3 cm)and germ(1.5 cm)were reported in seeds treated by NAA and KH2PO4 and signi?cantly higher than the control(radicle 3.3 cm, germ 1.1 cm)(P<0.05). The study indicated that NAA and KH2PO4 could not only promote the seed germination of P. bournei, but also had asigni?cant promoting effect on the growth of P. bournei seedlings.
Key words:   Phoebe bournei;NAA;K2SO4;KH2PO4;plant-mineral-elements;seed germination;seedling growth