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广东南雄小流坑-青嶂山自然保护区管理处,广东南雄小流坑-青嶂山自然保护区管理处,广州大学 生命科学学院,广州大学 生命科学学院,广州大学 生命科学学院,广州大学 生命科学学院
基于历史资料、文献查阅和 2016 年 4—8 月的样线、样方补充调查结果显示,广东南雄小流 坑—青嶂山省级自然保护区共有野生维管植物 1 289 种,隶属于 185 科 652 属;其中蕨类植物 112 种, 占 8.69%,植物区系起源较古老;蕨类植物的科、属地理分布以热带、亚热带为主;种子植物区系表征 科为壳斗科、山茶科、樟科、木兰科、金缕梅科、冬青科等共 14 个科,是华夏植物区系的重要组成部 分。种子植物科、属的分布区类型中均以泛热带分布型占优势,同时含有较多的热带亚洲、北温带区系 成分,区系成分复杂、多样且古老;区内有国家重点保护和珍稀濒危植物 13 科 14 属 15 种,其中的莼菜 (Brasenia schreberi)和南方红豆杉(Taxus wallichiana var. mairei)为国家 I 级重点保护植物;与邻近的车 八岭保护区种子植物区系比较,二者的科、属相似性系数分别为 92.86% 和 77.40%,存在较明显的差异。
关键词:   维管植物;种子植物;区系;小流坑—青嶂山;自然保护区
Study on Vascular Plants Flora at Xiaoliukeng-Qingzhangshan Nature Reserve in Nanxiong City
CHEN Zhi-hong,GUO Xu-bing,DAI Wen-tan,CHEN Wei-lin,WANG Hou-lin and MIAO Shen-yu
Xiaoliukeng-Qingzhangshan Provincial Nature Reserves,Xiaoliukeng-Qingzhangshan Provincial Nature Reserves,School of Life Sciences,Guangzhou University,School of Life Sciences,Guangzhou University,School of Life Sciences,Guangzhou University,School of Life Sciences,Guangzhou University
 Based on the historical materials, literature review, and supplement survey of plot line and quadrat from April to August in 2016, the vascular plant species has been calculated and the result showed there are 1 289 species belonging to 185 families and 652 genera at Xiaoliukeng-Qingzhangshan nature reserve in Nanxiong city, Guangdong province. There are 112 species of fern, accounting for 8.69%, indicating that the flora origin was ancient. The distribution of families and genera of ferns are mainly the tropical and subtropical types. There are 14 typical families of seed plant flora which are the basic elements of Cathaysia flora, such as Fagaceae, Theaceae, Lauraceae, Magnoliaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Aquifoliaceae etc., The distribution of families and genera of spermatophyte are mainly pantropical, and also contain the tropical Asia areal-type and north temperate flora components, which indicated that the flora composition is complex, diverse and ancient. There are 15 species of national key protected and rare endangered belonging to 13 families and 14 genera, including thegrade I of national key protected species of Brasenia schreberi and Taxus wallichiana var. mairei. Compared with spermatophyte flora of the adjacent Chebaling nature reserve, the similarity coefficients of family and genus were 92.86% and 77.40%, respectively. Therefore, there were significant differences.
Key words:    vascular plant; spermatophyte; flora; Xiaoliukeng-Qingzhangshan; nature reserve