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通过采取野外实地调查、标本与资料查阅相结合的方法对广东省樟科植物资源进行全面调查,在此基础上,分析其资源分布规律与开发利用方式。结果表明: 广东省樟科植物共14属142种(包括4个栽培种)14变种。在水平分布上,以粤西和粤北分布种类最多;垂直分布以中海拔(400-1000m)之间分布种类最多。属的分布区类型以热带、亚热带成分为主。共53种植物可作为观赏植物,应用于城市绿化中。此外,探讨了樟科植物资源特点与应用中存在的问题,并对其资源的开发利用作了展望。
关键词:   樟科;植物资源;园林应用;广东省
分类号 S688
InvestigationSandSlandscape utilizationSofSLauraceaeSplantSresourceSinSGuangdong
Zeng Feng,Tang Xiaoqing,Tan Guangwen and Chen Hongfeng
South China Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,South China Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Pubang Landscape Architecture co,Ltd
We investigate the plant resource of laurel family (Lauraceae) in Guangdong thoroughly via field work and reference to specimens and literature.On this basis we study its distribution pattern and explore ways to utilize it. The result shows in Guangdong there are 142 Lauraceae species (incl. 4 cultivars) and 14 varieties that can be categorized into 14 genera. Horizontally, species mostly concentrate in N. and W. Guangdong, while vertically they distribute largely at intermediate altitude (approx. 400-1000m). The general areal type are mainly tropical and subtropical elements. Together 53 species have ornamental potential for greening. Besides, we also examine the features of Lauraceae resource and problems exist in its utilization, along with presenting our prospect.
Key words:   Lauraceae; plant resource; landscape utilization; Guangdong Province