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为评估次生林中引入各种用途的植物对当地植物多样性的影响,在广东省江门市古斗林场设置4个固定样方进行长期观测。结果发现:当引入植物种数不超过样方内全部植物(包括引入种和当地种)总种数的25%、株数不超过全部植物总株数的5%时,6 a后当地植物的物种多样性可保留90%以上;这种间种方法对物种丰富度的影响小于对物种多度分布的影响。本研究可为南方集体林区次生林经营提供借鉴。
关键词:   古斗林场;次生林;多用途植物;间种;物种多样性
分类号 S718
基金项目:“十二五”国家科技支撑计划课题(2012BAD22B05),国际热带木材组织项目(PD 294/04)。
The Study of Relationships between Plants Introduction and =Native Species Diversity in Secondary Forest
YIN Zuoyun,CAI Yanling,ZENG Linghai,LIAN Huiming,WANG Hongfeng,HE Boxiang,ZHANG Qian,ZHOU Lihua,CHEN Yiqun and LAN Yanqun
Guangdong Forest Research Institute,Guangzhou,Guangdong Forest Research Institute,Guangzhou,Guangdong Forest Research Institute,Guangzhou,Guangdong Forest Research Institute,Guangzhou,Guangdong Forest Research Institute,Guangzhou,Guangdong Forest Research Institute,Guangzhou,Guangdong Forest Research Institute,Guangzhou,Guangdong Forest Research Institute,Guangzhou,Guangdong Forest Research Institute,Guangzhou
In order to evaluate effects of introducing multipurpose plants on native species diversity in secondary forest, we set four fixed plots for longterm observation in Gudou Forest Farm of Jiangmen, Guangdong Province of South China. The results were as following: (1) native species diversity retained more than 90% of the original, while the number of introduced plant species was no more than 25% and the introduced individuals were no more than 5% of the total (including introduced and native plant species/individuals) in the plot 6 years after the introduction (i.e., interplanting); and (2) the interplanting made more influence on the species diversity than on the species abundance distribution. This study may provide guidance for the management of secondary forests in southern collective forest region.
Key words:   Gudou Forest Farm; secondary forest; multipurpose plants; interplant; species diversity