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广东省龙眼洞林场 广东广州 510520
以1994年种植在广东省龙眼洞林场的马占相思人工林为材料,调查5,10和15 a生的树高、胸径和蓄积量,研究海拔和造林密度对生长量的影响。结果表明,海拔(0~500 mm)对马占相思胸径生长无显著影响,但对5 a生的树高、5和10 a生的蓄积量有显著影响,其中250 m<海拔≤500 m时的林分蓄积量最大;3种造林密度(800,1 335和1 998株/hm2)对树高、胸径和蓄积量有较大影响,以造林密度为1 335株/hm2的林分蓄积量增长最快。林分内存在不同程度的海拔与造林密度交互作用,这种互作对胸径和蓄积量的影响逐年增强,但在15 a生时对树高的影响已不显著。
关键词:   马占相思;人工林;海拔;造林密度;生长性状
分类号 S725.6
Effects of Altitude and Density on Growth of Acacia mangium Plantations
wang feng
An investigation was performed on Acacia mangium plantations planted at Longyandong Forest Farm of Guangdong province in 1994. Height, diameter at breast height (DBH) and growing stock were measured at 5, 10 and 15 years old to study the effects of altitude and density on growth of A. mangium. The results showed that under the altitude condition from 0 to 500 m, the altitude did not have significant effect on DBH growth, but had obvious influences on height at 5 years old and growing stock at 5 and 10 years old. The forest stands at altitude >250 m and ≤500 m had the highest growing stock. Three kinds of density (800,1 335 and 1 998 trees per hectare) were found to have apparent impacts on height, DBH and growing stock, and the density of 1 335 trees per hectare yielded the highest growing stock. Additionally,different degrees of altitude by density (ABD) interactions were observed among A. mangium plantations. An increasing trend of ABD interaction was found for both diameter growth and growing stock increment, but the effect on height at the age of 15 was no longer significant.
Key words:   Acacia mangium; plantation; altidude; density; growth traits