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陈楚民1, 张琼锐2, 杨锡涛1, 黎荣彬1, 幸成锋1
建设生物廊道对保护区域生境质量,维持生物多样性意义重大。但是生物廊道只有在满足物种需要的情况下才能发挥其最大作用。研究基于 InVEST 模型生境质量制图分析珠三角地区和拟建设的三级水鸟生态廊道的生境质量。研究发现:①珠三角地区生境质量总体处于良好,空间分异明显,总体呈现西部和东北地区生境质量良好,而中部生境质量较差的状态;②珠三角地区水鸟生态廊道选址区域目前平均生境质量指数不足 0.5,未来建设仍需投入较多精力恢复生境,尤其是功能性最强的主廊道生境质量提升。
关键词:   生境质量;InVEST 模型;珠三角地区;水鸟生态廊道
Habitat Quality Assessment of Waterfowl Ecological Corridors in the Pearl River Delta Based on InVEST Model
chenchumin1, zhangqiongrui2, yangxitao1, lirongbin1, XING CHENGFENG1
1.Lingnan Comprehensive Surveying and Designing Institute of Guangdong Province;2.School of Geography,South China Normal University
Biological corridor plays an important role in protecting regional ecological quality and maintaining biodiversity. However, the biological corridor can play its maximum function only when it meets the needs of species.This study aimed to assess the habitat suitability of the Pearl River Delta(PRD) and the three level waterfowl ecological corridors to be built with the habitat quality mapping of InVEST model. The results show that: ① The overall habitat quality of the PRD is fine, and the spatial differentiation is obvious. The western and northeast of the PRD is better than the central distract significantly. ② At present, the average habitat quality index of waterfowl ecological corridors in the PRD is less than 0.5, and more efforts should be invested in the future construction to restore the habitat, especially the most functional main corridors. The results can provide references for habitat improvement in the PRD and the proposed waterfowl ecological corridor construction.
Key words:   habitat quality;InVEST; Pearl River Delta; waterfowl ecological corridor