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邱毅敏, 王伟
为研究杜鹃 Rhododendron simsii 叶片解剖结构与其耐热性的关系,以 7 个杜鹃品种为试验材料,利用人工气候室进行高温胁迫实验,观察其表型遭受高温胁迫后的变化情况,计算不同品种热害指数;利用电镜扫描观察参试杜鹃品种叶片解剖结构的 11 项指标,采用隶属函数对各品种的耐热性进行综合评价,与其表型变化对照分析。结果表明:杜鹃不同品种间,11 项解剖结构指标差异均达到极显著水平。主成分分析结果表明,11 项解剖结构指标在叶片结构差异中所起的作用近似,基于 11 个指标应用隶属函数法对 7 个参试杜鹃品种的耐热性进行综合评价,其耐热性排序为:‘宝玉 ’>‘丹顶 ’>‘白香玉 ’>‘霸王红 ’>‘瑞紫 ’>‘红苹果 ’>‘西子妆 ’,这与高温胁迫后不同品种的表型变化相一致。
关键词:   杜鹃;高温胁迫;综合评价;表型变化;解剖结构
Realationship between Leaf Anatomical Structure and Heat Resistance of Rhododendron simsii
Qiu Yimin, Wang Wei
Academy of Forestry and Gardening of Guangzhou
To study the relationship between the leaf anatomical structure of Rhododendron simsii leaves and their heat tolerance, 7 cultivars were used as experimental materials in this experiment. High temperature stress experiment was carried out in an artificial climate chamber to observe the changes of theirs phenotype. Observation of 11 anatomical structures of leaves by scanning electron microscopy, comprehensive evaluation of heat tolerance of varieties by membership function method. The result showed that, there are significant differences of 11 anatomical structure indexes among 7 Rhododendron cultivars. The results of principal component analysis showed that 11 anatomical parameters played similar roles in leaf structure differences, therefor, based on 11 indexes to evaluation the heat tolerance of 7 Rhododendron varieties by membership function method, and the order is R. simsii‘Baoyu’>R. simsii‘Danding’>R. simsii ‘Baixiangyu’ >R. simsii ‘Bawanghong’ >R. simsii‘Ruizi ’>R. simsii‘Hongpingguo’ > R. simsii ‘Xizizhuang’. The sequencing results were consistent with the phenotypic changes of different cultivars under high temperature stress. This study provided a cytological basis for the breeding of heat-tolerant cultivars, introduction and cultivation of Rhododendron.
Key words:   Rhododendron simsii; heat resistance; comprehensive evaluation; phenotypic changes; leaf anatomical structure