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喻志1, 周再知1, 周树平2, 黄桂华1, 梁坤南1, 王先棒1, 于彬1
针对柚木 Tectona grandis 无根组培苗移栽初期没有根系,导致生长缓慢、叶片发黄,降低生 根成活率的现象,研究开展了柚木幼苗期叶面肥筛选试验,分析了不同叶面肥对柚木组培苗移栽后生长 的影响。结果显示,施用不同叶面肥对移栽后的柚木组培苗促生效应差异显著(P<0.05),参试的叶面肥 中,绿兴液肥对柚木幼苗的叶片和生物量的促生效果最好,美果露对柚木移栽苗的移栽成活率及对根系 的促生效果最好。利用模糊隶属函数综合评价法对不同叶面肥施用后的各指标进行综合评定,绿兴液肥 得分最高,生产上可选择叶面肥绿兴液肥进行喷施,可提高生根成活率和生长效果。
关键词:   柚木;无根移栽;叶面施肥;壮苗培育
Screening Experiment of Foliar Fertilizer in Seedling Stage of Teak
YU Zhi1, ZHOU Zaizhi1, ZHOU Shuping2, HUANG Guihua1, LIANG Kunnan1, 王先棒1, 于彬1
1.Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry;2.Yunfu State Forest Farm and Forest Park Management Station,Yunfu
In view of the phenomenon that teak rootless tissue culture seedlings had no roots at the initial stage of transplanting, which led to slow growth, yellowing leaves and reduced rooting survival rate, the screening experiment of foliar fertilizer was carried out in teak seedling stage, the effects of different foliar fertilizers on the growth of teak tissue culture seedlings after transplanting were analyzed. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the effect of different foliar fertilizers on the growth of tissue culture seedlings of teak after transplanting (P<0.05). Among the foliar fertilizers tested, Lvxingyefei had the best effect on the growth of leaves and biomass of teak seedlings. Meiguo had the best effect on transplanting survival rate and root growth of transplanting seedlings of teak. The comprehensive evaluation method of fuzzy membership function is used to comprehensively evaluate the indexes after the application of different foliar fertilizers, and lvxingyefei has the highest score. In production, lvxingyefei could be selected for spraying, which improve the survival rate of roots and the growth effect.
Key words:   teak; seedling culture; foliar fertilization; tissue culture