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苏纯兰, 张尚坤, 胡秋艳, 莫罗坚, 李洁红, 黎炜彬
为了科学评价野牡丹科植物的园林绿化价值,运用层次分析法对东莞市林业科学园内栽培的 16种野牡丹科植物的适应性、观赏性和抗逆性进行综合评价。综合评价模型由适应性、典型观赏价值、特殊观赏价值、抗逆性4个方面相关的16个评价因子构成。结果表明紫毛野牡丹Melastoma penicillatum、角茎野牡丹Tibouchina candidum‘Cornutum’、蒂牡花Tibouchina urvilleana、大花荣耀木Tibouchina granulosa、细叶野牡丹Melastoma intermedium、毛稔 Melastoma sanguineum、粉花印度野牡丹Melastoma malabathricum、白花印度野牡丹 Melastoma malabathricum var. alba 综合得分2.6分以上的8种植物易于驯化,生长表现佳、观赏价值高,可大规模开发利用。地稔Melastoma dodecandrum、台湾酸脚杆Medinilla formosana、野牡丹“天骄”Melastoma candidum ‘Tianjiao’、野牡丹“心愿”Melastoma candidum ‘Xinyuan’综合得分2.3—2.5分可适度开发利用,朝天罐Osbeckia opipara、虎颜花Tigridiopalma magnifica、锦香草Phyllagathis cavaleriei、蔓茎四瓣果Heterocentron elegans综合得分低于2.0分,暂时不推荐开发利用,或经合理驯化后开发利用。
关键词:   野牡丹科植物;观赏性;适应性;抗逆性;层次分析法
The Comprehensive Appraisal of Melastomataceae Species on Cultivation Characteristics
Su Chun-lan, Zhang shang-kun, Hu qiu-yan, Mo luo-jian, Li jie-hong, Li wei-bin
Dongguan Research Institute of Forestry
There were 16 species in the family of Melastomataceae plants in Dongguan Forest Experinental Park. In order to fully explore the landscape value, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was applied to appraise the adaptability, ornamental characteristics and resistance. The result showed that the scores of 8 Melastomataceae species including Melastoma penicillatum, Tibouchina candidum ‘Cornutum’, Tibouchina urvilleana, Tibouchina granulosa, Melastoma intermedium, Melastoma sanguineum, Melastoma malabathricum, Melastoma malabathricum var.alba were bigger than 2.6, indicating a high landscape value with less difficulty in domestication. The Melastoma dodecandrum, Medinilla formosana, Melastoma candidum ‘Tianjiao’, Melastoma candidum ‘Xinyuan’ with a score between 2.3-2.5 can be moderately developed and utilized. And species scored lower than 2.0 were not recommended for further develop such as Osbeckia opipara, Tigridiopalma magnifica, Phyllagathis cavaleriei and Heterocentron elegans.
Key words:   Melastomataceae; ornamental; adaptive; reversibility; AHP