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为筛选野牡丹属在不同栽培基质上生长的差异,促进野牡丹属植物在城市园林中的推广应用 , 以 3 种野牡丹属植物(白花印度野牡丹 Melastoma candidum var. albiflorum、野牡丹 M. candidum 和毛稔 M. sanguineum)为试验材料,设置了 4 种不同比例泥炭土、蛭石和椰糠混合物 / 料和黄泥栽培基质处理, 比较 3 种植物的净生长量和生物量。研究结果表明,3 种野牡丹属植物苗高、冠幅、叶面积净生长量均以 黄泥栽培基质处理组较高,生长促进效应优于泥炭土、蛭石和椰糠的混合比例处理组;其地上部、地下 部生物量积累也均以黄泥栽培基质组最高。隶属函数分析结果表明,促进 3 种野牡丹植物生长效应的栽 培基质均为黄泥。
关键词:   野牡丹属植物;栽培基质;生长;生物量
Effects of Different Cultivation Substrates on Growth of Three Species of Melastoma L.
Zhang Shang Kun1, Mo Luo Jian1, Li Guo Hui2, zhai xin2, Chen Zhen Ye2, yesongbai3
1.Dongguan Institute of Forestry Science;2.Dongguan institute of forestry science;3.dongguan insit
To provide references for the application of species of Melastoma candidum var. albiflorum, M. candidum, M. sanguineum were studied in terms of the differences in their cultivation substrates. In this paper, we tested on five cultivation substrates: peat soil, vermiculite and coconut bran mixed in different proportions and mud cultivation. The results showed that the net of seedling height, crow and leaf area were higher of three Melastoma species in mud cultivation substrate treatment. The effect promotion of growth was better than that of other treatments. Aboveground biomass accumulation was also highest of three Melastoma species in mud cultivation treatment. Based on subordinate function analyses showed that the mud cultivation substrate treatment promoted the growth of Melastoma species. These results provided a theoretical and practical basis for screening the optimal cultivation substrates and growth required for the growth of other wild Melastoma species.
Key words:   Melastoma species; cultivation substrate; growth; biomass