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刘剑, 李南林
肇庆市林业局森林病虫害防治检疫站 广东肇庆 526040
竹材木质素的降解一直是制约竹材资源利用的重要影响因素。文章通过对49 份腐烂的竹材样品进行平板划线分离纯化得到74 株真菌,利用PDA- 愈创木酚变色及PDA- 苯胺蓝退色反应,初步筛选出具有木质素降解酶能力的4 株木质素降解菌,通过酶活力测定对初筛得到的4 株木质素降解菌进行复筛,发现FG-22 菌株具有较好木质素降解能力,对FG-22 降解菌株进行形态学和分子生物学鉴定,确定FG-22 为杂色云芝(Trametes versicolor)。
关键词:   木质素降解菌;竹材;筛选;鉴定
Screening and Identification of Bamboo Lignin Degradation Fungus
LIU Jian, LI Nanlin
Zhaoqing Forestry Bureau Forest Pest Control and Quarantine Station,Zhaoqing
The degradation of bamboo lignin has always been an important factor influencing the utilization of bamboo resources. Seventy-four fungi were isolated by streaking and purifying 49 samples of rotten bamboo. The lignin-degrading fungi producing lignin-degrading enzyme activity were screened by PDA-guaiacol phenol discoloration and PDA-aniline blue fading reaction. Four strains of lignin-degrading fungi were screened by enzyme activity assay. It was found that FG-22 fungus had better lignin degradation ability, and the FG-22-degrading fungus was identified by morphological identification and molecular biology to determine FG-22 is Trametes versicolor.
Key words:   lignin-degrading fungus;bamboo;screen;identification