当前位置: 首页 > 过刊浏览 > 2010年第1期 >


关键词:   红菇;正红菇;乡土树种;苗期;接种效果
The effect of seedling inoculation of three local tree species inoculated by Russula lepida and R.vinosa
The seedling height, ground diameter and biomass were measured at regular intervals after two strains, Russula vinosa and R. lepida, were inoculated to the roots of Castanopsis hystrix, Schima superba and Castanopsis fissa. It was showed that the two strains significantly improved seedlings growth of three inoculated tree species. About 270 days intervals, the seedling height, ground diameter and biomass of seedlings inoculated were higher than that of un-inoculated seedlings among three species. Analysis of variance indicated that there was a extremely significant difference in inoculated and control seedlings of C. hystrix while those of S. superba and C. fissa showed obvious difference. Analysis of mycorrhizal infection and dependence suggested that C. hystrix was strongly depended on the two strains, while S. superba and C. fissa showed moderate dependence. The optimal effect was seedlings of C. hystrix inoculated by R. lepida.
Key words:   Russula lepida; R. vinosa; Seedling; local tree species; Inoculation effect