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1)平峦山共有植物113科270属372种,其中蕨类植物10科10属14种,裸子植物6 科6 属6种,被子植物97科254属352种。2)植物资源类型多样,按不同用途可分为16类,包括药用植物254种、观赏植物141种、用材树种65种、纤维植物43种、油脂植物26种、芳香植物29种、饲料植物36种、水果类植物43种、鞣料植物28种、野菜植物20种、保健饮料植物9种、淀粉植物10种、染料植物7种、蜜源植物5种、农药植物13种、有毒植物11种。3)平峦山植物种类较少,纯林、灌木林结构简单、不稳定,景观价值低,建议通过乡土树种的补种来改造纯林、残次林的林分结构以及营造特色的森林景观类型,从而促进植物群落的稳定发展、森林功能的完善和生物多样性的提高。
关键词:   深圳平峦山公园 植物资源 乡土树种
Investigation of Vascular Plant Resources in Pingluanshan Park,Shenzhen City※
1)A total of 372 species, 270 generas,113 families of plants were found in Pingluanshan. Among them, there are 14 fern species falling into 10 generas,10 families,6 gymnosperm species belonging to 6 genera, 6 families, 352 angiosperm species belonging to 254 genera ,97 families. 2) The kinds of the plant resources are various, it can be sorted into 16 types of functions. In the area, there are 254 species belonging to medicinal plants, 141 species ornamental plants,65 species timber plants, 43 species fiber plants, 26 species oil-bearing plants,29 species aromatic plants, 36 species fodder plants, 43-species fruit plants, 28 species tannic plants, 20 species potherb plants, 9 species beverage plants, 10 species starchiness plants, 7 species pigment plants, 5 species honey source plants, 13 species pesticide plants and 11 species poisonous plants.3) The species of the plants in PingLuanshan are few. The structures of pure forest and the destroyed forest are also simple, unsteady and with a lower landscape value. To improve the structures of the pure forest and destroyed forest through planting the native species, the plant communities are able to develop steadily meanwhile the forestry function can become complete and the bio-diversity also increased.
Key words:   plant resources native species Pingluanshan Park