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植物是园林造景的基本要素,适地适树是植物造景的首要原则,了解园林植物的环境适应性则是适地适树的基础。本项研究通过测定3种南方园林植物的叶面积、含水量、比叶面积和叶绿素指数4项叶的形态生理指标,并对两种不同环境条件下各指标的差异进行分析,来验证3种园林植物利用资源及对环境适应的能力。结果表明,高山榕(Ficus altissima)生长较快但不能较好地适应大气污染,白千层(Melaleuca quinquenervia)能抗大气污染,而尖叶杜英(Elaeocarpus apiculatus)更能适应资源丰富的环境条件。
关键词:   园林植物,叶形态生理指标,环境指示
Leaf morphologLeaf morphological and physiological traits and environmental indications of three gardens plant species in southern China
Gardens plant is an essential element for gardening. To use plants rationally, leaf morphological and physiological traits, i.e., leaf area, leaf water content, specific leaf area (SLA) and chlorophyll index, are important variables in plant ecology and related to abilities of plant growth and survival. In this paper, we examined these four leaf traits of three gardens plants, which grow under two different environmental conditions. The abilities of the three plants to use resources and adapt to the environment were verified by means of comparing the leaf traits among three plants and analyzing the variations of leaf traits under two different environments. The results showed that Ficus altissima grew faster than the others but had weak ability to adapt to air pollution; Melaleuca quinquenervia could tolerate air pollution; and Elaeocarpus apiculatus could grow better in habitats with sufficient resource.
Key words:   gardens plant, leaf morphological and physiological trait, environmental indication