当前位置: 首页 > 过刊浏览 > 2007年第2期 >


关键词:   版纳省藤 家系 主成分分析 遗传增益
Study on seedling traits of Calamus nambariensis Becc. var. xishuangbannnaensis S.J.Pei et S.Y.Chen families
The variation of seedling traits were investigated based on the field data of 28 progenies of Calamus nambariensis Becc. var. xishuangbannnaensis S.J.Pei et S.Y.Chen families. Differences in all seedling traits were significant at 0.01 level among families. The results revealed the correlation of air temperature with both the leaf number and the largest length. The growth trend of leaf number was same as that of the largest leaf length. The growth of most progenies reached its climax in the first two or three months after bedding out, while slowed down from December to following February. On the basis of principal component analysis and 美高梅 gains , 6 superior families were singled out for higher 美高梅 gains, 4 belongs to Shangyong, Mengla.
Key words:   Calamus nambariensis Becc. var. xishuangbannnaensis S.J.Pei et S.Y.Chen, family,Principal Component Analysis, 美高梅 gain